Lung transplantation is a growing surgical option for patients with end-stage lung and pulmonary vascular diseases. After completing an extensive evaluation and meeting the selection criteria, patients are listed for either single or bilateral–sequential lung transplantation. Immediate postoperative management requires detailed attention to fluid management, monitoring for infection, reperfusion injury, pulmonary hygiene, and pain management. Length of stay depends on the patient’s condition before transplant and postoperative complications. Discharge from the hospital can be as early as 7 days after transplantation. Newer immunosuppressive medications offer more options for treating and preventing rejection. Advanced practice nurses, such as coordinators, case managers, nurse practitioners, and clinical nurse specialists, are uniquely positioned to play key roles in coordinating the care of transplant patients across settings and both before and after the transplant procedure. The perioperative needs of lung transplant patients and the impact of this complex procedure on the recipients’ and family’s quality of life merit further investigation by clinicians and researchers

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