Age is perhaps the most controversial exclusion criterion for heart transplantation. One concern focuses on whether chronological or functional age is the better predictor of positive outcomes when considering heart transplantation for an elderly patient with end-stage heart disease. Another concern is related to the philosophical and ethical rationale for allocation of scarce resources to those near the end of a normal life expectancy. However, the number of people who are older than age 65 years and have received a donor heart has increased and will continue to due to aging of the people who received a transplant a decade ago, as well as the growing number of people who undergo heart transplantation after the age of 65. In either case, the nurse must be aware of age-related concerns in this vulnerable population.
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1 February 2002
Acute Care of the Aging Client|
February 01 2002
The Challenge of Managing the Care of Older Heart Transplant Recipients
Linda S. Baas, RN, PhD, CS, ACNP;
From the University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, and University Hospital Heart Failure and Transplant Program, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Reprint requests to Linda Baas, RN, PhD, CS, ACNP, UC College of Nursing, PO Box 210038, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0038 (e-mail: [email protected]).
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Barbara Bell, RN, BSN, CCTC;
Barbara Bell, RN, BSN, CCTC
From the University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, and University Hospital Heart Failure and Transplant Program, Cincinnati, Ohio.
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Susan Dudics Stuebbe, RN, MSN, ANP;
Susan Dudics Stuebbe, RN, MSN, ANP
From the University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, and University Hospital Heart Failure and Transplant Program, Cincinnati, Ohio.
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Rosann Giesting, RN, MSN;
Rosann Giesting, RN, MSN
From the University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, and University Hospital Heart Failure and Transplant Program, Cincinnati, Ohio.
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Lynne E. Wagoner, MD, FACC
Lynne E. Wagoner, MD, FACC
From the University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, and University Hospital Heart Failure and Transplant Program, Cincinnati, Ohio.
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AACN Adv Crit Care (2002) 13 (1): 114–131.
Linda S. Baas, Barbara Bell, Susan Dudics Stuebbe, Rosann Giesting, Lynne E. Wagoner; The Challenge of Managing the Care of Older Heart Transplant Recipients. AACN Adv Crit Care 1 February 2002; 13 (1): 114–131. doi:
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