Advanced practice nurses are involved in many aspects of program development as part of their roles. This can involve such things as developing programs for staff and family education, organizing system-wide quality assurance programs, or implementing new care programs. One unique aspect of the advanced practice nurse’s role is the ability to serve as a change agent and implement new models of care. Although all advanced practice nurses can be involved in program development, the role of the Clinical Nurse Specialist lends itself to devoting dedicated services for implementing programmatic change in the clinical setting. This article describes the role of the Clinical Nurse Specialist in implementing an evidence-based, fast-track postanesthesia care unit.
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1 January 2005
Advanced Practice Nursing|
January 01 2005
Program Development: Role of the Clinical Nurse Specialist in Implementing a Fast-track Postanesthesia Care Unit
Linda Harrington, PhD, RN, CNS
From the John Peter Smith Health Network and Texas Christian University, Fort Worth.
Reprints requests to Linda Harrington, 4407 Andora Court, Dallas, TX 75287-5144 ([email protected])
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AACN Adv Crit Care (2005) 16 (1): 78–88.
Linda Harrington; Program Development: Role of the Clinical Nurse Specialist in Implementing a Fast-track Postanesthesia Care Unit. AACN Adv Crit Care 1 January 2005; 16 (1): 78–88. doi:
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