During a Joint Commission survey at our hospital, one of the surveyors commented that clinical nurse specialists (CNSs) are considered liquid gold. The term liquid gold is used to express high value, and referring to CNSs this way was a powerful compliment to CNSs, who perform multiple roles as clinical experts, educators, evidence-based practice (EBP) experts, researchers, and consultants (to name a few) in their areas of specialty. In performing their roles, CNSs congruently support and facilitate healthy work environments (HWEs).
In 2005 the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) identified 6 essential standards for establishing and sustaining HWEs in health care organizations. The standards, which are evidence-based and relationship-centered principles of professional practice, include skilled communication, true collaboration, effective decision-making, appropriate staffing, meaningful recognition, and authentic leadership.1 When appropriately implemented, the 6 HWE standards can lead to more engaged nurses, lower burnout, lower turnover rates, and improved patient...