Accurate and safe monitoring of infants and children requires knowledge of their unique physiology, especially cardiovascular function, pulmonary physiology, and metabolic function. These individual features influence the equipment selection, as well as data interpretation. Although some adult equipment is adaptable for pediatric use, many specifications must be tailored to pediatric needs. Vascular monitoring in pediatric patients requires specific knowledge of insertion procedures and complications, fluid maintenance, and hemodynamic norms, indexed to body surface area. Valid data interpretation requires an understanding of the distinctive clinical responses intrinsic to the pediatric patient. Likewise, maintenance care for pediatric patients always includes attention to precise fluid balance, thermoregulation, and metabolic needs. Finally, all pediatric patients require constant vigilance to protect the integrity of their monitoring systems and, ultimately, the safety of these patients. Failure to address these concerns may result in complications or invalid data
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1 February 1993
Physiologic Monitoring|
February 01 1993
Physiologic Monitoring of Infants and Children
Holly Webster, MS, PNP;
From the Department of Nursing, Primary Children’s Medical Center, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Reprint requests to Holly Webster, RN, PNP, 1285 Third Ave., Salt Lake City, UT 84103.
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Mary Jo Chellis, MS, PNP, CCRN
Mary Jo Chellis, MS, PNP, CCRN
From the Department of Nursing, Primary Children’s Medical Center, Salt Lake City, Utah.
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AACN Adv Crit Care (1993) 4 (1): 180–196.
Holly Webster, Mary Jo Chellis; Physiologic Monitoring of Infants and Children. AACN Adv Crit Care 1 February 1993; 4 (1): 180–196. doi:
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