Preparation for delivery of the critically ill pregnant woman begins soon after admission to the intensive care unit. Unless maternal or fetal condition deteriorates, remaining in utero may be more beneficial to the premature fetus. A decision regarding the timing of delivery is based on the impact on maternal and fatal wall-being of maintaining the fetus in utero. Maternal or fetal instability may necessitate immediate delivery, and specialists from critical care, obstetrics, neonatology, and anesthesiology should decide on the most-appropriate location for labor and delivery. Personnel from affected departments are alerted as soon as possible to facilitate the gathering of necessary equipment and supplies and the attendance of skilled professionals in intrapartum management and neonatal resuscitation
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1 November 1997
Obstetric Concerns|
November 01 1997
Maternal-Fetal Assessment of the Critically I11 Parturient: Decisions Related to Delivery
Patricia M. Sauer, RNC, MSN
From the Labor and Delivery Department, High Risk Obstetrics, Northside Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia.
Reprint requests to Patricia M.. Sauer, RNC, MSN, Labor and Delivery, High Risk Obstetrics, Northside Hospital, 1000 Johnson Ferry Rd., Atlanta, GA 30342.
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AACN Adv Crit Care (1997) 8 (4): 564–573.
Patricia M. Sauer; Maternal-Fetal Assessment of the Critically I11 Parturient: Decisions Related to Delivery. AACN Adv Crit Care 1 November 1997; 8 (4): 564–573. doi:
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