To the Editors:

I had the pleasure to read your magazine while working with an RN (Captain Barbara Reilly) from 86 Combat Support Hospital in Kosovo. I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiments of Maurene A. Harvey, who wrote the article, “Why Aren’t Nurses Clamoring for Intensivists?” (November 2001:373–374).

In the UK, patients have long since been cared for by intensivists. This enhances the care that patients receive. Intensivists work with the ICU nurses as a team. They have a global overview of the patient and thus are better equipped to provide the care required of this type of patient. They assess all systems and can access the relative specialist when, and if, appropriate.

I, personally, would not wish to work without an intensivist supporting my patients and my staff. Kudos to the author of this article for identifying the scope and role of the intensivist.

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