In the article titled “Celebrating the 100th Birthday of the Electrocardiogram: Lessons Learned From Research in Cardiac Monitoring” (July 2002;11:378–386), on page 382, 2nd column, 3rd paragraph, 10th line, it reads, “Of interest, ST-segment elevation is present in lead aVR with less elevation than in V1 …” The word “than” was inadvertently added during our internal editorial process and should be deleted because it imparts just the opposite meaning than the author intended. The criterion that has been recently described in the literature to indicate a left main coronary artery stenosis is as follows: If, during a transient myocardial ischemic event involving ST-segment depression, there is ST-segment elevation in lead aVR that is greater than the ST-segment elevation normally seen in lead V1, a left main coronary artery stenosis is likely. This criterion is illustrated in the electrocardiogram shown in Figure 4B (p 384).


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