Nurses lack a comprehensive body of scientific knowledge to guide the palliative care of patients with nonmalignant conditions. Current knowledge and practice reveal that nurses in many instances are not well prepared to deal with death and dying. Focus groups were used in an exploratory study to examine the perceptions of palliative care among cardiorespiratory nurses (n = 35). Content analysis was used to reveal themes in the data. Four major themes were found: (1) searching for structure and meaning in the dying experience of patients with chronic disease, (2) lack of a treatment plan and a lack of planning and negotiation, (3) discomfort in dealing with death and dying, and (4) lack of awareness of palliative care philosophies and resources. The information derived from this sample of cardiorespiratory nurses represents a complex interplay between personal, professional, and organizational perspectives on the role of palliative care in cardiorespiratory disease. The results of the study suggest a need for nurses to be equipped on both an intellectual and a practical level about the concept of palliative care in nonmalignant disease.
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1 January 2003
Critical Care Education|
January 01 2003
Cardiorespiratory Nurses’ Perceptions of Palliative Care in Nonmalignant Disease: Data for the Development of Clinical Practice
Patricia Davidson, RN, ITC, BA, MEd, MRCNA;
Patricia Davidson, RN, ITC, BA, MEd, MRCNA
School of Nursing, Family and Community Health, University of Western Sydney (PD, JD), St. George Hospital, Sydney, Australia (PD, KI, GP, RJ, JA, TW, MD), Hunter Centre for Health Advancement, University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia (JC), School of Nursing, University of California, San Francisco (KD).
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Kate Introna, RN, RM, Grad Dip (Pall Care);
Kate Introna, RN, RM, Grad Dip (Pall Care)
School of Nursing, Family and Community Health, University of Western Sydney (PD, JD), St. George Hospital, Sydney, Australia (PD, KI, GP, RJ, JA, TW, MD), Hunter Centre for Health Advancement, University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia (JC), School of Nursing, University of California, San Francisco (KD).
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John Daly, RN, BA, BHSc, MEd(Hons), PhD, FINE, FCN(NSW), FRCNA;
John Daly, RN, BA, BHSc, MEd(Hons), PhD, FINE, FCN(NSW), FRCNA
School of Nursing, Family and Community Health, University of Western Sydney (PD, JD), St. George Hospital, Sydney, Australia (PD, KI, GP, RJ, JA, TW, MD), Hunter Centre for Health Advancement, University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia (JC), School of Nursing, University of California, San Francisco (KD).
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Glenn Paull, RN, CCU, Cert BN (Hons);
Glenn Paull, RN, CCU, Cert BN (Hons)
School of Nursing, Family and Community Health, University of Western Sydney (PD, JD), St. George Hospital, Sydney, Australia (PD, KI, GP, RJ, JA, TW, MD), Hunter Centre for Health Advancement, University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia (JC), School of Nursing, University of California, San Francisco (KD).
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Robyn Jarvis, RN, Acute Care Cert, Dip App Sc (Exercise Science);
Robyn Jarvis, RN, Acute Care Cert, Dip App Sc (Exercise Science)
School of Nursing, Family and Community Health, University of Western Sydney (PD, JD), St. George Hospital, Sydney, Australia (PD, KI, GP, RJ, JA, TW, MD), Hunter Centre for Health Advancement, University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia (JC), School of Nursing, University of California, San Francisco (KD).
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Janet Angus, BN, MN (Education);
Janet Angus, BN, MN (Education)
School of Nursing, Family and Community Health, University of Western Sydney (PD, JD), St. George Hospital, Sydney, Australia (PD, KI, GP, RJ, JA, TW, MD), Hunter Centre for Health Advancement, University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia (JC), School of Nursing, University of California, San Francisco (KD).
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Tony Wilds, RN, BA;
Tony Wilds, RN, BA
School of Nursing, Family and Community Health, University of Western Sydney (PD, JD), St. George Hospital, Sydney, Australia (PD, KI, GP, RJ, JA, TW, MD), Hunter Centre for Health Advancement, University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia (JC), School of Nursing, University of California, San Francisco (KD).
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Jill Cockburn, MSc, PhD;
Jill Cockburn, MSc, PhD
School of Nursing, Family and Community Health, University of Western Sydney (PD, JD), St. George Hospital, Sydney, Australia (PD, KI, GP, RJ, JA, TW, MD), Hunter Centre for Health Advancement, University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia (JC), School of Nursing, University of California, San Francisco (KD).
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Mary Dunford, RN, Mnurs;
Mary Dunford, RN, Mnurs
School of Nursing, Family and Community Health, University of Western Sydney (PD, JD), St. George Hospital, Sydney, Australia (PD, KI, GP, RJ, JA, TW, MD), Hunter Centre for Health Advancement, University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia (JC), School of Nursing, University of California, San Francisco (KD).
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Kathleen Dracup, RN, FNP, CNS, DNSc
Kathleen Dracup, RN, FNP, CNS, DNSc
School of Nursing, Family and Community Health, University of Western Sydney (PD, JD), St. George Hospital, Sydney, Australia (PD, KI, GP, RJ, JA, TW, MD), Hunter Centre for Health Advancement, University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia (JC), School of Nursing, University of California, San Francisco (KD).
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Am J Crit Care (2003) 12 (1): 47–53.
Patricia Davidson, Kate Introna, John Daly, Glenn Paull, Robyn Jarvis, Janet Angus, Tony Wilds, Jill Cockburn, Mary Dunford, Kathleen Dracup; Cardiorespiratory Nurses’ Perceptions of Palliative Care in Nonmalignant Disease: Data for the Development of Clinical Practice. Am J Crit Care 1 January 2003; 12 (1): 47–53. doi:
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