Critical illness polyneuropathy (CIP) is most often associated with sepsis or multiorgan dysfunction syndrome. Although the incidence of CIP among all patients in ICUs is low, patients with other primary diagnoses have also had CIP diagnosed. This case study describes the suspected pathophysiology, clinical features, and treatment of CIP.

Critical illness polyneuropathy (CIP) is most often associated with sepsis or multiorgan dysfunction syndrome. Although the incidence of CIP among all patients in intensive care units is low, only about 2%,1 patients with other primary diagnoses have also had CIP diagnosed. This case study describes the suspected pathophysiology, clinical features, and treatment of CIP.

T.R. is a 60-year-old man with marked risk factors for heart disease, including a history of cardiac disease in his maternal relatives, use of tobacco, hypertension, obesity, and non–insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. He arrived at a local emergency department with unstable angina and an inferior myocardial infarction....

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