To the Editors:
I have been a member of AACN for several years now, and I am in a quandry about what I read in a recent editorial. I have always held AACN in high regard as a proponent of the very best in practice and policy when it comes to core issues in critical care nursing. I have often encouraged other nurses to join the organization, but after reading the editorial “The Ridiculous Mouse” (September 2005: 360–362), I am indeed contemplating whether or not I can, in good conscience, remain a member of this organization.
I am speaking specifically about comments made in the section “The Case of Terri Schiavo.” Surely, the editors knew that they would touch a nerve in any prolife member of AACN by making such statements. And as I see that only one reference was used for information in this section, I can only infer...