One of my favorite literary stories involves the submission of a manuscript. In 1781, English historian Edward Gibbon presented the second volume of his gigantic 6-part The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire to Prince William Henry, Duke of Gloucester, and met with this response: “Another damned thick, square book! Always scribble, scribble, scribble! Eh, Mr. Gibbon?”1 (p14)
I always chuckle when I imagine poor Gibbon’s reaction to this glib assessment, but I can’t help thinking of Gibbon at a time like this. Perhaps you’ve noticed that this issue of AJCC brings you “scribblings” of a vastly different order? That the familiar green cover has disappeared? That the entire look and feel of the journal is markedly changed?
All true. You hold in your hands (or, just as likely, view on your screen) a thoroughly redesigned American Journal of Critical Care—a fact that grips the journal’s editors...