The American Journal of Critical Care (AJCC) doesn’t just look new—it contains a number of new and enhanced features and sections as well. This primer summarizes the changes we’ve made with brief descriptions of each new or enhanced feature or department. Refer to it to become better acclimated to the redesigned AJCC.
Easier-to-read typeface and graphic design
Beginning with the cover, AJCC has a bold and striking new look, featuring fine art on the front and a new layout between the covers. Redesigned titles and subtitles, author affiliation blurbs, link boxes, and more colorful pages make reading the journal a friendlier experience.
Ready-to-post clinical content all in one convenient place
Readers on the go can scan the new Clinical Pearls page to see all the most helpful and relevant advice for clinical practice distilled from select peer-reviewed articles in the issue. Unlike an abstract or summaries in the margins of...