Can you increase cardiac arrest survival rates in your unit? Consider these basic strategies described by Peters and Boyde for doing so:

See Article, pp 240–247

Increased levels of anxiety associated with coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery can increase postoperative pain levels among patients undergoing this procedure. What can bedside clinicians do? Gallagher and colleagues recommend the following:

See Article, pp 248–257

Don’t all nursing professionals have a responsibility to reduce tobacco use in their patients? Do you include this content in your acute care nurse practitioner (ACNP) program? Did you receive it when you were a student? Read how Heath and colleagues dramatically increased tobacco cessation content in nursing schools across the nation.

Originally targeted to pharmacists, the smoking cessation training program Rx for Change contains a series of evidence-based modules that were adapted by the authors for a nursing audience. Their program emphasizes the following topics:


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