Are your temperature measurements as accurate as they can be? Tympanic temperature measurement uses a noncontact infrared measurement to detect the energy emitted from the ear and should be obtained after inspecting the lens and using a proper seal. Lawson and colleagues compare a variety of noninva-sive temperature measurements.

See Article, pp 485–496

Disease management programs (DMPs) have long been promoted as a major medical cost-saving mechanism, although research on the topic shows conflicting results. A successful example of a DMP for the chronically critically ill is described in the article by Douglas and colleagues. Their DMP had a positive effect on hospital readmission and potential economic advantages.

See Article, pp 447–457

A solid evidence base should be the foundation for all aspects of patient care. However, there are many levels of evidence, ranging from large randomized clinical trials to anecdotal case reports. Although case reports are the weakest form...

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