This study reports on a national multiprofessional survey assessing problems associated with clinical alarm systems in the hospital environment. A total of 1327 respondents, more than half of whom were registered nurses, identified nuisance alarms as problematic, with the large majority indicating that such alarms occur frequently (81%), disrupt patient care (77%), and can reduce trust in the alarms, causing caregivers to disable them (78%). The results of the study demonstrated that effective clinical alarm management depends on equipment designs that promote appropriate use, clinicians’ awareness of use, and recognition of the complexities of clinical alarm management.
Denise Korniewicz, rn, phd, faan, lead author on this EBR article, provides additional information about the study. She indicates that the survey was developed to gather information on clinicians’ practices related to clinical alarm management.
According to Dr Korniewicz, the survey targeted healthcare workers and other professionals. “The survey was...