The AJCC coeditors express their gratitude to the following reviewers for their scientific expertise and constructive advice in the review of manuscripts for the American Journal of Critical Care during 2009.

Wissam Abouzgheib, md, fccp

Sheila Adam, msc

Diane Adler, phd

Thomas Ahrens, dns

Leanne Aitken, phd

Richard Arbour, rn, msn

Rochelle Armola, rn, msn

Elizabeth Ayello, rn, phd

Judith Baggs, rn, phd

Mona Baharestani, phd

Katherine Baker, rn, mn

Kathleen Baldwin, phd

Carol Ball, rgn, phd

Angela Banks, phd

Angelo Barbato, md

Elizabeth Bayley, phd

Deborah Becker, rn, phd

Merilyn Beken, dccm, cne

Anne Belcher, phd

Patricia Benner, rn, phd

Christine Berding, dnp

Andrew Bernard, md

Angela Berry, phd

Judy Bezanson, dsn...

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