This national survey of 6589 critical care nurses explored the value of specialty certification in critical care nursing. The descriptive study used a Web-based survey to examine relationships between American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) specialty certification and empowerment as well as intent to leave current work in a nursing position and the nursing profession. Results were compared between (1) AACN certified nurses and those who held AACN and other certifications, and (2) those without AACN certification.
The groups differed significantly in total empowerment scores. Nurses with AACN certification alone or with both AACN and other national certification scored significantly higher. Whereas a large number of participants (n = 2706, 41.1%) indicated they intended to leave their current position, AACN-certified nurses were significantly less likely to report an intent to leave their position. Overall, nurses who did not intend to leave either a current position or the nursing profession had...