BACKGROUND: It has been assumed that a urinary creatinine excretion rate of less than 10 mg/kg per day means an inadequately collected urine sample. OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of a urinary creatinine excretion rate of less than 10 mg/kg per day in intensive care unit patients with an adequately collected urine sample. METHOD: In a prospective study of creatinine excretion rates, 24-hour urine samples were evaluated for urinary creatinine in 209 critically ill patients with indwelling Foley catheters. Patients from three adult intensive care units in New York City were divided into two groups. Group 1 patients excreted less than 10 mg/kg per day of urinary creatinine, and group 2 patients excreted at least 10 mg/kg per day. Groups 1 and 2 were first evaluated by dividing the creatinine excretion data by actual body weight. Since actual body weight may overestimate body weight in the critically ill patient, data from groups 1 and 2 were also evaluated using lean body weight. RESULTS: Urinary creatinine excretion was less than 10 mg/kg per day in 36.8% of patients using actual body weight and 29.7% of patients adjusted for lean body weight. The average age of patients in group 1 was 74 +/- 17 years for both actual body weight and lean body weight. The average age of group 2 patients was 60 +/- 19 years for actual body weight and 62 +/- 19 years for lean body weight. There was a significant difference in age between group 1 and group 2 patients for both actual body weight and lean body weight. The proportion of female vs male patients with reduced creatinine excretion was significantly greater, whether the actual body weight or lean body weight adjustment was used. CONCLUSIONS: A urinary creatinine excretion rate of less than 10 mg/kg per day occurs in about one third of critically ill patients, who are more likely to be elderly and female.
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1 November 1993
November 01 1993
Urinary creatinine excretion in the ICU: low excretion does not mean inadequate collection
Am J Crit Care (1993) 2 (6): 462–466.
GR Pesola, I Akhavan, GC Carlon; Urinary creatinine excretion in the ICU: low excretion does not mean inadequate collection. Am J Crit Care 1 November 1993; 2 (6): 462–466. doi:
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