Letters are welcome and encouraged. They should raise points of current interest in the care of critical or high acuity patients or address topics that previously have appeared in the American Journal of Critical Care. Please be concise; letters are subject to editing for length and clarity. Include your name, credentials, title (optional), institutional affiliation, city and state, and phone number (for verification, not publication). Address letters to [email protected]. Correspondence also may be sent via eLetters from the journal’s Web site, www.ajcconline.org.

I was very enthused to see such a practical application of the AACN’s Synergy Model in the article, “Building a Nursing Productivity Measure Based on the Synergy Model: First Steps.” As a nurse in an adult intensive care unit (ICU) for the past 7 years, I have been interested in the Synergy Model as a theoretical framework, but have struggled to apply it to...

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