During the past year, studies were published that will lead to practice change, address challenges at the bedside, and introduce new care strategies. This article summarizes some of this important work and considers it in the context of previous research and practice. Examples of research-based practice changes include the performance and assessment of septic shock resuscitation, and the integration of tourniquets and massive transfusions in civilian trauma. Care challenges addressed include ethical considerations in light of the Ebola epidemic, infection prevention associated with chlorhexidine bathing, bedside alarm management, evidence to enhance moral courage, and interventions to mitigate thirst in critically ill patients. Research that portends future care includes a discussion of fecal microbiota transplant for patients with refractory infection with refractory infection with Clostridium difficile.
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1 January 2016
Critical Care Research|
January 01 2016
Research in Review: Driving Critical Care Practice Change
Elizabeth Bridges, RN, PhD, CCNS;
Elizabeth Bridges is a clinical nurse researcher and associate professor at the University of Washington Medical Center/School of Nursing, Seattle, Washington. Margaret McNeill is a clinical nurse specialist, perianesthesia, Department of Professional and Clinical Development, Frederick Regional Health System, Frederick, Maryland. Nancy Munro is senior acute care nurse practitioner, Critical Care Medicine Department, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland.
Corresponding author: Elizabeth Bridges, rn, phd, ccns, fccm, faan, Clinical Nurse Researcher/Associate Professor, University of Washington Medical Center/School of Nursing, 1959 NE Pacific, Box 357266, Seattle WA 98195 (e-mail: [email protected]).
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Margaret McNeill, RN, PhD, APRN-CNS, CCRN-K, CCNS, NE-BC;
Margaret McNeill, RN, PhD, APRN-CNS, CCRN-K, CCNS, NE-BC
Elizabeth Bridges is a clinical nurse researcher and associate professor at the University of Washington Medical Center/School of Nursing, Seattle, Washington. Margaret McNeill is a clinical nurse specialist, perianesthesia, Department of Professional and Clinical Development, Frederick Regional Health System, Frederick, Maryland. Nancy Munro is senior acute care nurse practitioner, Critical Care Medicine Department, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland.
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Nancy Munro, RN, MN, CCRN, ACNP-BC
Nancy Munro, RN, MN, CCRN, ACNP-BC
Elizabeth Bridges is a clinical nurse researcher and associate professor at the University of Washington Medical Center/School of Nursing, Seattle, Washington. Margaret McNeill is a clinical nurse specialist, perianesthesia, Department of Professional and Clinical Development, Frederick Regional Health System, Frederick, Maryland. Nancy Munro is senior acute care nurse practitioner, Critical Care Medicine Department, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland.
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Am J Crit Care (2016) 25 (1): 76–84.
Elizabeth Bridges, Margaret McNeill, Nancy Munro; Research in Review: Driving Critical Care Practice Change. Am J Crit Care 1 January 2016; 25 (1): 76–84. doi: https://doi.org/10.4037/ajcc2016564
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