All nurses perform assessments; doing assessments is one of the major functions of the nursing role. However, correct use of any assessment tool has several components. First, knowledge about the particular focus of the assessment, such as delirium when using the Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU), is essential. In this case, understanding delirium helps to clarify the “why” of finding specific results. A second component is the ability to use the tool correctly, for example, using a pain scale that is valid for the population of patients in your practice. The third component is application of appropriate interventions for your findings, such as implementation of specific fall prevention measures when a patient is identified as high risk for a fall. The fourth component is often overlooked in education and learning: that is, do we all use and interpret the results of this assessment tool in the...
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1 July 2018
AJCC Patient Care Page|
July 01 2018
Linda Bell; Using Patient Assessment Tools. Am J Crit Care 1 July 2018; 27 (4): 279. doi:
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