Approximately 8% to 10% of patients in surgical intensive care units (ICUs) will have a hospital-acquired pressure injury (PI) during their stay. These injuries may result in increased pain, increased costs, and longer stays. Although stage 1 PIs are the most common type and can deteriorate to a more severe stage, no studies have addressed the clinical course or outcomes of stage 1 PIs in ICU patients.

Alderden and colleagues conducted a retrospective chart review to identify stage 1 PI outcomes. They found the following:

To prevent further injury, the authors suggest that nurses consider aggressive treatment of older patients and patients who have factors associated with PI development.

See Article, pp 471-476

Stress from the hospital workplace environment can cause burnout, which may include emotional exhaustion, reduced feelings of personal accomplishment, and symptoms such as anger and fatigue. In addition, nursing burnout has been associated with medical errors, high...

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