Long-term cognitive, psychological, and physical sequelae can occur in patients after a critical illness and are collectively termed post–intensive care syndrome (PICS). Given the various symptoms that may occur, assessing for PICS is difficult and the syndrome can often go unrecognized.

Wang and colleagues tested the use of a clinical tool that captures all 3 domains of PICS, called the Healthy Aging Brain Care Monitor Self Report (HABC-M SR), with adult patients in a critical care recovery center (CRRC). They found the following:

The authors recommend that clinicians consider neuropsychological testing in younger intensive care unit survivor patients. Although future studies are needed, the HABC-M SR is a short and easy-to-use tool for assessing PICS symptoms.

See Article, pp 10-18

It is well known that a critical care hospitalization is stressful for patients, causing symptoms of anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress, and several physiological sequelae. Music listening has been used as...

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