We want to express our gratitude to Dr Schallom for her thoughtful comments and interest in our work related to avoidable versus unavoidable hospital-acquired pressure injuries (HAPI). We agree the etiology of pressure injuries is multifactorial and risk prediction is complex. Critically ill patients often have additional risk factors that are not well addressed in the Braden Scale. As shown in the conceptual framework in the article,1 tissue perfusion is a risk factor affecting tissue tolerance of the patient and should be considered.
We included the Pressure Ulcer/Injury Prevention Inventory (PUPI) instrument and other data collection forms in the article for the convenience of the readers; however, because of word limitations and conciseness, not all instructions for its use were provided in the AJCC article. Detailed instructions accompany the PUPI and other data collection forms used in our study. We provided extensive and ongoing training for the team that...