Prolonged bed rest in critically ill patients contributes to many negative outcomes including ventilator-associated pneumonia, pressure injuries, thromboembolic disease, insulin resistance, and orthostasis. Numerous studies have shown that early mobilization minimizes these consequences, but various safety concerns of clinicians have limited this practice.

Cooper and colleagues explored early mobility practices with orally intubated patients who met early out-of-bed (OOB) criteria. They found

The authors recommend that unit leaders work to ensure that staff have the appropriate knowledge and competencies to provide early mobility care safely.

See Article, pp 266-274

Having a child hospitalized in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) is a stressful experience for parents. However, most studies have involved primarily White parents; the role of race/ethnicity on parental response is unknown.

Ernst and colleagues examined the differences in stressors, coping behaviors, and level of distress for mothers with a child in the PICU or cardiac ICU (CICU). In...

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