We are writing to express concerns about a recent publication, “Intrapulmonary Feeding Tube Placements While Using an Electromagnetic Placement Device: A Review (2019-2021)”,1 in the March 2023 issue of the American Journal of Critical Care. The article raised concerns about Cortrak electromagnetic placement device (EMPD) feeding tube misplacement resulting in recommendations for changes in practice. Unfortunately, the article reads as if this device cannot be safely used by nurse operators and, if used, radiographic confirmation is required. Several statements appeared to be unfounded opinions with no supportive evidence.
We have extensive clinical and research experience with EMPDs and agree that training and ongoing competency assessment are essential to prevent safety events. However, further research is needed to identify the best methods and number of feeding tube placements necessary for competence.2 As with any device, operators must be trained based on the manufacturer’s standards and must develop competency...