BACKGROUND: Nurses routinely "dangle" patients to evaluate and promote tolerance to changes in body position and to determine whether the level of activity should progress. Although dangling is a widespread nursing intervention, little research has been done on it, and little is known about how nurses dangle patients. OBJECTIVE: To describe dangling practices reported by critical care and acute care nurses. METHODS: A structured interview tool, developed for the study, was used to interview 51 experienced critical care and acute nurses from seven states about dangling practices. RESULTS: Most respondents said dangling was not routinely ordered and did not require a physician's order. The nurses described numerous strategies they used beforehand to promote tolerance to dangling, for example, premedicating for pain, and multiple interventions they used if patients did not seem to do well during dangling, for example, having patients take slow, deep breaths or move the feet and arms. Indicators of intolerance to dangling included marked changes in blood pressure, heart rate, and level of consciousness and patients' comments such as, "I can't stand it." Estimates of the duration of dangling varied widely, from 1 to 10 minutes; most respondents stated that duration varied "by feel" or depended on the patient's response. The most frequently mentioned personal rule about dangling was, "Get help if you're not sure how the patient will do." CONCLUSIONS: Nurses have developed numerous approaches to dangling acutely ill patients. These approaches should be described and tested to improve nursing practice and patient outcomes.
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1 May 1997
May 01 1997
LD Lane, EH Winslow, RJ Woods, JF Dixon; Dangling practices of 51 nurses: a pilot project. Am J Crit Care 1 May 1997; 6 (3): 177–182. doi:
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