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Curriculum to Introduce Critical Care Nurses to Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
Safety and Effectiveness of Early Oral Hydration in Patients After Cardiothoracic Surgery
1 July 2020
ISSN 1062-3264
EISSN 1937-710X
In this Issue
Clinical Pearls
Distinguished Research Lecture
Nursing Education
Curriculum to Introduce Critical Care Nurses to Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
CE Article
Whitney D. Gannon, MS, MSN; Lynne Craig, BSN; Lindsey Netzel, MSN; Carmen Mauldin, MSN; Ashley Troutt, BSN; Matthew Warhoover, CCP; Yuliya Tipograf, MD; Katherine Hogrefe, BS; Todd W. Rice, MD; Ashish Shah, MD; Matthew Bacchetta, MD
Patient Care Page
Pediatric Critical Care
Navigator-Based Intervention to Support Communication in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: A Pilot Study
Kelly N. Michelson, MD, MPH; for The Navigate Study Investigators; Elizabeth Charleston, BS; for The Navigate Study Investigators; Danica Y. Aniciete, MS; for The Navigate Study Investigators; Lauren R. Sorce, PhD, RN, CPNP-AC/PC; for The Navigate Study Investigators; Patricia Fragen, BA; for The Navigate Study Investigators; Stephen D. Persell, MD, MPH; for The Navigate Study Investigators; Jody D. Ciolino, PhD; for The Navigate Study Investigators; Marla L. Clayman, PhD, MPH; for The Navigate Study Investigators; Karen Rychlik, MS; for The Navigate Study Investigators; Virginia A. Jones, MS; for The Navigate Study Investigators
Evidence-Based Review
Pediatric Critical Care
Cardiovascular Critical Care
Safety and Effectiveness of Early Oral Hydration in Patients After Cardiothoracic Surgery
CE Article
Catherine Ford, MSN, RN-BC, ANP, CCRN; Donna McCormick, BSN, RN-BC, CCRN; Janet Parkosewich, DNSc, RN; Katrien Derycke-Chapman, DNP, MPH, RN; Judith Marshall, BSN, MS, RN-BC, CCRN, CSC; Jessica Mancarella, BSN, RN, CCRN; Anne Chepulis, BS, RN, CCRN-E
Families in Critical Care
Delirium Management
Clinical Evidence Review
ECG Puzzler
Cover Image
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