Suzanne M. Levasseur, ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Hanley & Belfus, Inc; 2002. 227 pages.

Designed for nurses who care for children in a variety of settings, each chapter of this book highlights key aspects of children’s health, from infancy to adolescence, from routine child care to care of critically ill children. Presented in a question-and-answer format, pediatric growth and development are reviewed, anticipatory guidance issues discussed, and a systems review is provided. General information pertaining to pediatric physical assessment, parenting issues, high-risk newborns, breast-feeding, pediatric oncology, mental health concerns, infectious diseases, immunizations, reproductive health, care of the surgical patient, and school health are presented in a brief, but concise manner. Each chapter begins with basic facts pertaining to the topic and system, then progresses into a discussion of the more common childhood illnesses. Disease processes are described by a listing of associated signs and symptoms, incidence, age of onset, etiology, diagnostic...

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