Critical Care Nurse is pleased to publish 2 of the winning entries from the 2005 Yale School of Nursing Creative Writing Awards that are especially relevant to acute and critical care.

Yale University’s Graduate Entry Prespecialty in Nursing program (GEPN) program is an accelerated 3-year master of science in nursing program for nonnurse college graduates. En route to becoming advanced practice nurses, GEPN students acquire nearly 700 hours of clinical time and more than 40 credit hours during their first 11 months. Since 1999, one of the assignments during their first clinical experience is to begin a journal that may include writings, drawing, or poetry. Assistant professor Linda Honan Pellico, PhD, APRN, designed the assignment so that students could watch their own transformation and faculty, with the students’ permission, could provide anticipatory guidance to future classes.

The assignment also has an external goal: articulating the privilege and power of nursing....

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