Janne Dunham-Taylor, Joseph Z. Pinczuk. Sud-bury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett; 2006. Paperback, 896 pages. ISBN: 0-7637-3149-8.

In Health Care Financial Management for Nurse Managers, Dunham-Taylor and Pinczuk have developed a comprehensive reference for nurse managers and nursing administrators interested in connecting “caring” and “quality” patient-care delivery with efficient and effective financial strategies. According to the authors, “Every management decision has financial implications and every financial decision has management implications.”

The introduction discusses what the healthcare environment is affected by today, as well as implications for nursing practice, interfacing financial and nursing terminology and theories. The text is organized to integrate all components of the financial and nursing management process, with emphasis on defining and involving key contributors in the analysis; understanding environmental, economical, and consumer mandated concepts; and short- and long-term implications of decisions on quality and finance.

The text is organized into 7 parts, beginning with the basics of...

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