Interpreting the ECGs of patients with takotsubo cardiomyopathy is a challenge because multiple distinct findings are possible.

A broken heart classically refers to an emotional state caused by psychological pain. Current research1,2 indicates that a broken heart is a true medical condition, not just a play on words. Broken heart syndrome is due to an exaggerated sympathetic response to stress that causes a severe but reversible left ventricular failure. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is a reversible left ventricular dysfunction triggered by sudden stress in persons with no history of coronary artery disease.1,6 Signs and symptoms of this cardiomyopathy often mimic those of acute coronary syndrome, making differential diagnosis challenging.1 8 Patients characteristically have chest pain, increased troponin levels, and ST-segment elevation. To increase understanding of this unique cardiomyopathy, we review a case study of a patient with the condition and the diagnosis, management,...

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