An empowering clinical nurse advancement system can facilitate institutional behaviors that embrace all of AACN’s healthy work environment.

A healthy work environment and a high-functioning nurse advancement system are inherently complementary. Both contribute to the delivery of optimal patient care by nurses. In this article, we describe the synergy between a healthy work environment and the advancement of nurses at the bedside.

The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) has a substantial history of advocating for positive work environments in which “acute and critical care nurses can make their optimal contribution.”1 Globally, the International Council of Nurses has launched a campaign to promote positive practice environments, recognizing their impact on employees’ well-being, productivity, retention, and outcomes.2 Toward this essential end, AACN developed and published Standards for Establishing and Sustaining Healthy Work Environments.3 This document affirms that healthy work environments support and foster excellence in patient care and...

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