Critical Care Nursing of Older Adults: Best Practices addresses the key issues surrounding the care of elders in a high acuity, complex environment. The book is divided into 4 sections. The first section addresses the context of care and includes chapters on standards, the critical care environment, and patient safety issues relevant to older patients in this environment. The second section focuses on the social aspects, such as ethical decision making, continuity of care, family responses, end-of-life care and decision making, frailty, chronic critical illness, and functional abilities. The third section is related to the physiologic functions and alterations that occur in older adults and the impact on care delivery: the physiology of aging, pharmacotherapy, nutrition, physical restraint, infection, sleep disorders, and pain management. The final section of the book is reserved for specific issues in elder care: pressure ulcers, wound healing, substance abuse, urinary incontinence, heart failure, perioperative care,...
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1 February 2010
Book Reviews|
February 01 2010
Critical Care Nursing of Older Adults: Best Practices: 3rd edition: Foreman MD, Milisen K, Fulmer TT, eds. New York, NY: Springer Publishing; 2010. Paperback, 611 pages. ISBN: 978-082611096-1
Linda Bell, RN, MSN
Linda Bell, RN, MSN
Linda Bell is a clinical practice specialist at the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses in Aliso Viejo, California.
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Crit Care Nurse (2010) 30 (1): 65.
Linda Bell; Critical Care Nursing of Older Adults: Best Practices: 3rd edition: Foreman MD, Milisen K, Fulmer TT, eds. New York, NY: Springer Publishing; 2010. Paperback, 611 pages. ISBN: 978-082611096-1. Crit Care Nurse 1 February 2010; 30 (1): 65. doi:
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