Eileen Gallen Gademan. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International; 2010. Paperback, 180 pages, $19.95. ISBN: 1-930538-89-8

A Daybook for Critical Care Nurses is the recent book in the “Daybook” journal series published by Sigma Theta Tau International. What sets this book apart is the collaboration with the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses; this Daybook includes many timely ideas, clinical tips, and thoughts from current and past AACN leaders, as well as several Clinical Pearls from the American Journal of Critical Care.

Like any daybook, the day-by-day format is divided by calendar month and each month begins with an essay by a nurse. Each day starts with the date and a quote, followed by space for notes. This format meets 2 needs of many critical care nurses: the opportunity to connect with thought leaders and the ability to journal one’s thoughts and reflections.

Although the focus of this Daybook may not...

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