These books represent the second edition of the series edited by Chulay and Burns. Both books have 4 distinct sections, beginning with the Essentials, that is, patient assessment and care planning; basic cardiac rhythm interpretation; hemodynamic monitoring; airway and ventilatory management; pain and sedation management, with the addition of neuromuscular blockade management in the Critical Care Nursing version; critical care pharmacology; and ethical/legal considerations. The second section addresses pathologic conditions, the third, advanced concepts, and a fourth section contains key reference information.

Notable additions to these books is the focus on patient safety, including safe medication administration. Information on patient transport has moved from the Key Reference section into the main body of the books. The content has been updated in every chapter to reflect current practice and includes updated references.

Topics that have been expanded in both books are, for example, drugs for delirium; bariatric surgery; continuous, mixed, and...

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