I graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Nursing School in 1999. I started in the burn/trauma unit and then ventured into the CVICU, PICU, MICU, CCU/ICU—now I’m a trauma ICU nurse. I have worked at Walter Reed in Washington, DC, when I was called to active duty. I have also tried travel nursing in Wisconsin and North Carolina.

In high school I looked up to a friend’s mom who was a nurse and loved her job; I decided I wanted to be a nurse too. I’ve always wanted to help other people and I truly appreciate helping patients and their families through a stressful time and using my critical thinking and judgement skills to bring patients’ health back to a better state.

I’ve worked at 7 different hospitals because my husband is in the military and we have had to move every few years. I’ve met such wonderful friends along...

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