In recognition of the value of intraosseous vascular access in resuscitation and stabilization of patients, leading national and international organizations have published position papers that have served to change the standard of care for emergency vascular access. Among these organizations are the American Heart Association (AHA), addressing vascular access in cardiac arrest patients,1 the International Committee on Resuscitation,2 the European Resuscitation Council,3 the Infusion Nurses Society,4 the National Association of EMS Physicians,5 with the Emergency Nurses Association and the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) endorsing the position paper of the Infusion Nurses Society.6,7 These professional societies recognized that intraosseous access may provide significant time savings that could benefit patients in emergent situations by decreasing the time required to achieve access and the time required to administer necessary fluids and medications. The AHA concluded that intravenous and intraosseous administration have equal, predictable...
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1 December 2010
Consensus Paper|
December 01 2010
Recommendations for the Use of Intraosseous Vascular Access for Emergent and Nonemergent Situations in Various Health Care Settings: A Consensus Paper
The Consortium on Intraosseous Vascular Access in Healthcare Practice
The Consortium on Intraosseous Vascular Access in Healthcare Practice
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Crit Care Nurse (2010) 30 (6): e1–e7.
The Consortium on Intraosseous Vascular Access in Healthcare Practice; Recommendations for the Use of Intraosseous Vascular Access for Emergent and Nonemergent Situations in Various Health Care Settings: A Consensus Paper. Crit Care Nurse 1 December 2010; 30 (6): e1–e7. doi:
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