Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, located in Sao Paulo, Brazil, is one of the most prestigious private hospitals in Latin America, with 700 operational beds. The hospital has an intensive care unit (ICU) with 41 beds, 2 step-down units with 64 beds, and 1 coronary unit with 20 beds. It is accredited as a stroke center by the International Joint Commission.
Since 2005, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein has taken part in the Surviving Sepsis Campaign.1 This worldwide effort aims to reduce sepsis mortality by 25% in 5 years in participating institutions. Sepsis is a systemic response to known or suspected infections and presents many signs and symptoms, which are nonspecific but together have a high sensitivity for that diagnosis.
Signs and symptoms of sepsis can vary in intensity from mild fever of short duration to septic shock, the most lethal form of the disease. Given the range and severity of...