The 6th edition of the Introduction to Critical Care Nursing is intended to provide foundational knowledge to nurses who are new to critical care. This book is divided into 3 sections. The first part includes what the authors identify as the fundamental concepts of critical care nursing, that is, the professional practice of the critical care nurse; patient and family responses to critical illness; and ethical, legal, and end-of-life considerations in critical care.

Part 2 addresses tools and resources for critical care nurses, including managing pain and comfort in critical care, nutritional support of critically ill patients, dysrhythmia identification and management, hemodynamic monitoring, ventilator assistance, and rapid response and code situations. The third and final part of the book discusses nursing care of critically ill patients and includes the body systems, shock, burn, trauma and solid organ transplantation.

Throughout the book, exemplars illustrate quality and safety education in nursing competencies....

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