Carol Rauen, rn, ms, ccns, ccrn, pccn, cen, the department editor, is an independent clinical nurse specialist in The Outer Banks of North Carolina. Carol contributed Adult CCRN and CCRN/E questions. Carol welcomes feedback from readers and practice questions from potential contributors at [email protected].


Cheryl Herrmann, apn, ccrn, ccns-csc-cmc, is a cardiac clinical nurse specialist at UnityPoint Health–Methodist, Peoria, Illinois. Cheryl contributed the Cardiac Surgery Nursing Certification questions.


In this special season of giving, certification can be a gift we can give to ourselves. Like many things that involve self-improvement, certification is also a gift that affects more than just the person receiving it. Studies have shown that certification empowers nurses. Units with more certified nurses have lower 30-day mortality and infection rates. Notably, years of experience do not always lead to better quality of care,...

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