The words of 2 characters from the musical “Wicked” represent the 2 sides of the “self-talk” many of us engage in when we are thinking about stepping up professionally. These lyrics offer 2 divergent philosophies. The male lead, Flyero, in his song “Dancing Through Life,” says “Why invite stress in? Stop studying strife and learn to live the unexamined life. Life is more painless for the brainless. Life is fraught less when you are thoughtless. Those who don’t try—never look foolish.” The female lead, Elphaba, in her song “Defying Gravity,” says “I’m through accepting limits because someone says they’re so. But till I try, I’ll never know! Too late for second-guessing. Too late to go back to sleep. It’s time to trust my instincts. Close my eyes and leap! I think I’ll try defying gravity and you cannot bring me down. Everyone deserves a chance to fly.” Obviously the more...

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