The recently updated expert consensus statement on tele-intensive care unit (tele-ICU) nursing, AACN TeleICU Nursing Practice, conveys the essential elements for implementing, evaluating, and improving tele-ICU nursing practice. AACN TeleICU Nursing Practice includes revised practice definitions, a refined practice model, and vignettes that demonstrate the impact of tele-ICU.
Practice definitions have been updated and expanded to reflect the current state of tele-ICU nursing practice, which reaches 18% of all ICU patients. In addition, this updated document more clearly describes the roles of the tele-ICU nurse, the nurse leader, and the health care organization. The individual responsibilities of these roles are no longer combined. Revised recommendations (previously labeled practice guidelines) are presented by role, with each role individually defined and responsibilities described. The focus of the revised recommendations is on the application of a healthy work environment, the development of proficiency in tele-ICU knowledge, skills and abilities, and the need...