Sara Knippa, MS, RN, ACCNS-AG, CCRN, PCCN, is the contributing editor of the column. Sara is a clinical nurse specialist/educator in the cardiac intensive care unit at the University of Colorado Hospital, Aurora, Colorado. She welcomes feedback from readers and practice questions from potential contributors at sara. [email protected]. Sara wrote the introduction and the adult CCRN questions.


Karen Simon, MSN, RN, RNC-NIC, is an education specialist II at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio. Karen wrote the neonatal CCRN review questions.


I have many goals in life, and I am sure you do too. Some goals I have achieved (like obtaining CCRN and PCCN certifications), some I am still working on (like visiting all 50 US states), and some I may never accomplish (like playing the piano). What motivates me to pursue some goals and not others? Learning theory research tells us that...

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