Stephanie Williams, Christine Humphrey; Cleveland Clinic Hillcrest Hospital, Mayfield Heights, OH

The purpose of this Clinical Scene Investigator project was to increase patient safety, patient-centered care, communication of correct dosage of loading dose (LD), and timely administration of maintenance dose (MD) of antiplatelet therapy after cardiac catheterization to decrease the risk of stent occlusion and/or myocardial reinfarction.

Patients in the coronary care unit at Cleveland Clinic Hillcrest Hospital who are undergoing a cardiac catheterization receive an LD of antiplatelet therapy and an MD after a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) such as a stent or angioplasty. Of those patients, 13.6% were not receiving their first MD according to therapeutic guidelines, because of inconsistency with LD administration and/or documentation, MD administration and/or documentation, and multiple methods of communicating the LD. There were also several areas in which the LD was documented, including: (1) medication administration record (MAR); (2) catheterization laboratory (cath lab)...

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