Kimberly DiMaria; C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Survival after in-hospital cardiac arrest is associated with resuscitation team performance and adherence to American Heart Association (AHA) resuscitation algorithms. The primary aim was increased resuscitation team performance during simulation scenarios as evidenced by improved modified Clinical Performance Tool (mCPT) scores. The secondary aim was improved adherence to AHA resuscitation guidelines during actual code events. Process measures, including frequency of simulations, were used to determine proof of concept.

In 2021, a review of resuscitation events in the cardiac progressive care unit (CPCU) revealed poor compliance with AHA guidelines. One of the most critical times of code performance in the CPCU is during the initial response, before code team arrival, which prompted development of a simulation intervention that focused on improving team performance during the initial stages of resuscitation. A single-center, prospective, interventional quality improvement project, First 5-Minute Drills, was developed to...

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