Critical Care Nurse Videos
Fast-Track Extubation to Reduce Intubation Times and ICU Length of Stay
Fast-Track Extubation to Reduce Intubation Times and ICU Length of Stay
The author discusses the impact of a fast-track extubation protocol on time to extubation.
Medication Transitions of Care in Trauma and Acute Care Surgery Patients
Medication Transitions of Care in Trauma and Acute Care Surgery Patients
The author discusses challenges with accurate medication reconciliation.
Low-Titer O-Positive Whole Blood in Rural Hospitals
Low-Titer O-Positive Whole Blood in Rural Hospitals
The author discusses renewed use in rural hospitals of low-titer O-positive whole blood.
Reigniting ICU Liberation Using the ABCDEF Bundle
Reigniting ICU Liberation Using the ABCDEF Bundle
The author discusses improving staff adherence to the ABCDEF bundle.
Volume-Based Feeding Protocol to Increase Enteral Feeds
Volume-Based Feeding Protocol to Increase Enteral Feeds
The author discusses implementing a volume-based feeding protocol in a neuroscience ICU.
Integrating Palliative Care Screening in the ICU
Integrating Palliative Care Screening in the ICU
The author discusses a palliative care process for patients admitted to the intensive care unit.
Use of Biomarkers to Evaluate Pain in Critically Ill Children
Use of Biomarkers to Evaluate Pain in Critically Ill Children
The author analyzes studies of biomarkers and their association with pain to identify suitable biomarkers for evaluation of pain in critically ill children.
Relationship Between Rest Breaks and Burnout in Nurses
Relationship Between Rest Breaks and Burnout in Nurses
The author discusses studies that evaluated the relationship between rest breaks and professional burnout among registered nurses.
Mindfulness Interventions to Reduce Compassion Fatigue
Mindfulness Interventions to Reduce Compassion Fatigue
The author discusses the impact of brief mindfulness-based interventions on compassion fatigue among nurses in a surgical-trauma unit.
Oral Care in Critically Ill Infants
Oral Care in Critically Ill Infants
The author discusses the effect of oral care on either oral colonization or health outcomes of infants in the neonatal ICU.
Debriefing After Critical Events in a Pediatric ICU
Debriefing After Critical Events in a Pediatric ICU
The author discusses the design and implementation of a debriefing process, the Rapid Review of Resuscitation
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on ICU Nurses
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on ICU Nurses
The author discusses a review of literature sources that identify the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on nurses working in the ICU.
Guidance System for Small-Bowel Feeding Tubes
Guidance System for Small-Bowel Feeding Tubes
The authors discuss an electromagnetic guidance system for small-bowel feeding tubes.
Early Mobility Interventions and Outcome Measures
Early Mobility Interventions and Outcome Measures
The authors explore the role of early mobility for patients in the intensive care unit.
Medical Device–Related Pressure Injuries
Medical Device–Related Pressure Injuries
The purpose of the study was to decrease the rate of medical device–related pressure injuries.
Family Presence During Pediatric Resuscitation
Family Presence During Pediatric Resuscitation
The authors aimed to increase nurses’ confidence with family presence during pediatric resuscitation through an educational intervention.
Pediatric Delirium Screening
The authors describe implementing a delirium screening protocol in a pediatric intensive care unit.
Wearable Sensors for Pressure Injury Prevention
Wearable Sensors for Pressure Injury Prevention
In this article, the authors report using wearable sensors on patients to help decrease the documentation burden on critical care nurses.
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children
In this article, the authors review what is currently known about multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children.
Changing Disposal Practices of Propofol
Changing Disposal Practices of Propofol
In this article, the authors explore one solution to effectively reduce the drug diversion risk and the negative ecological impact of propofol waste.
Nurse Managers, Stress, and Healthy Work Environments
Nurse Managers, Stress, and Healthy Work Environments
This article recommends ways nurse managers can use the AACN Healthy Work Environment standards to manage nurse stress productively.
Oral Care in Noninvasive Ventilation
Oral Care in Noninvasive Ventilation
This study reviews the evidence regarding oral care in critically ill patients requiring noninvasive ventilation.
Case Report: Extrapyramidal Symptoms in Treatment for Delirium
Case Report: Extrapyramidal Symptoms in Treatment for Delirium
This report describes a case of antipsychotic-induced akathisia.
Nursing Management of Proning in COVID Patients
Nursing Management of Prone Positioning in Patients With COVID-19
Filippo Binda, MSN, CCRN, describes using prone positioning as a rescue therapy during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Prone Positioning Protocol for ARDS Patients
Using In Situ Simulation to Develop a Prone Positioning Protocol for Patients With ARDS
Jessica Montanaro, MSN, RN, describes using simulation to develop a prone positioning protocol for patients with ARDS.
Integrating Palliative Care Into Critical Care
Increasing Critical Care Nurse Engagement of Palliative Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Clareen Wiencek, PhD, RN, ACNP, ACHPN, and William E. Rosa, PhD, MBE, ACHPN, talk about integrating palliative care into critical care.
Journal Writing by Families in Critical Care
Cara Gallegos, PhD, RN, talks about how journal writing can help families.